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The Rocket

“When I know there are gonna be a lot of cars there and the competition level is high you can feel it. I wanna race against a lot of cars and the best cars.

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“I can give you a guy in both divisions. He doesn‘t really race a bunch anymore. In late models it is Terry Senneker. I finished second to him a lot and it was super frustrating. In sprint cars its Kody Swanson. He has made me up my game a lot. There was a while there he couldn‘t be beat. He is good in anything he gets in and is very respectful. Me and him have always run very clean. I‘ve never had any sort of any on-track incidents.

When asked whether Roahrig considers himself a stock car guy or open-wheel guy currently, he seemed unsure what to classify himself. “I don‘t know. I‘ll probably always be considered a stock car just because. But I‘ve been focusing on the open-wheel stuff more because it‘s something new and different. It‘s also something I haven‘t done as much of or had a lot of success until this year.”

But most would beg to differ. You don‘t win the biggest pavement sprint car race in the world against the toughest competition and not get labeled an open-wheel guy. Tyler Roahrig is now truly an open-wheel guy.End Bug