Tim Kennedy

Tim Kennedy Retires From Writing

LOS ANGELES — Longtime SPEED SPORT reporter and columnist Tim Kennedy is retiring.

After 56 years in the business of keeping racing fans exceptionally well informed about West Coast motorsports events, the seasoned veteran has hung up his reporter’s notebook due to declining eyesight.

Kennedy will be leaving the southland to relocate to the San Francisco Bay Area

to be near family members.

Kennedy began his reporting career when he became Publicity Director for the

California Racing Ass’n in 1968. He held that position for 11 years during which time he produced six Yearbooks for the organization.

After leaving the CRA in 1979 he became a freelance columnist and reporter. His accurate and fact-filled race reports along with his CRA Report and Racing Scene columns over the years have appeared in National Speed Sport News, Racing Wheels, Western Racing News and other national publications.

The 85-year old’s eyesight has, of late, become a serious problem with his being able to watch and cover events. At this point, his being able to bring the story to the fans with as much detail as he is so well-known and respected for, has become severely impeded.

“…This was a decision that, in truth, my recent sudden eyesight change made for me,” Kennedy explained. “When you can’t read what you’re trying to write on your computer, the message is pretty evident. I love the sport and the great people who are part of it. I loved telling their stories, but I now need to stand down from that work, and I do it with great thanks and admiration for all the racing people I’ve met along the way.”