MOORESVILLE, N.C. — May is always a special time of the year. Of course, May means the Indy 500, and it also means high-school graduation.
This year, it appeared a combination of those two would create a challenge for my family. Then, Doug Boles, president of Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and my wife, Kimberly, stepped up to make it a May I will never forget.
I had promised my son, Lucas, that when he was old enough to do Indy the right way, we would go to the Indianapolis 500. That meant turning 18 years old in order to gain access to the garage area and the media center.
I called Boles and explained the situation and he arranged for Lucas to have the proper credentials to guarantee an incredible experience.
Lucas was thrilled when I told him what I had planned, but we quickly discovered his high-school graduation ceremony was the same weekend as the 500.
Uh, oh!
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