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Quarter-midget competition at Indianapolis Motor Speedway as part of the NASCAR Youth Series. (NASCAR photo)

FERNS: The Next Generation

INDIANAPOLIS — My passion for motorsports began at a young age. 

I first sat in a race car, a quarter midget, when I was 6 years old and had instant butterflies; like love at first sight. I remember buckling myself in, reaching for the pedals and acting like I was racing, although the car was up on stands. 

I didn’t want to get out of the car unless it was coming home with me. 

I was hooked.

After an hour of sitting in the quarter midget, my parents pulled me out — and the car came home with us. 

In all honesty, although my mom and dad are responsible for introducing me to the sport, I’m sure they didn’t foreshadow their daughter carving a 22-plus-year career out of what was intended to be a family hobby. Yet here we are.

Recently, I have spent some time at quarter-midget and micro-sprint races throughout the state of Indiana. While attending these events, I have paid attention to the racing, interacted with some of the families and young racers and observed the competitive environment(s) from an objective point of view. 



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